Coronavirus Update


Following the guidance outlined within the “Working safely during Covid19 in offices and  contact centres” document and working with our appointed Health & Safety consultant we  have updated our Covid 19 Policy for those members and licensee’s working from Freshmill’s  premises at Delta House, Haywards Heath. 

This policy document will be reviewed regularly and this is the update from the 25th August 2020 policy. The government guidance still remains that if you are able to work from home  you should do so, especially those with underlying health conditions that increase the level of  risk from the virus. In line with government guidelines however, there are those that may  need to work away from their home: 

  • Workers in roles critical national infrastructure, construction, manufacturing, childcare  & education, essential public service and essential retail. 
  • Workers in critical roles which might be performed remotely, but who are unable to  work remotely due to home circumstances or the unavailability of safe enabling  equipment.  
  • Work – where you cannot reasonably work from home. 

We are now re-opening our co-working areas in a limited capacity with the procedures in place we had prior to the November 2020 lockdown. Throughout the whole of the Covid-19  pandemic our focus has been on the safety and well being of our members and this will  continue to be the driving force behind all the decisions made.


Current Situation: 

Delta House is open to all members who hold a license for a lockable ‘private office’ within the  building 24 hrs a day 365 days a year. 

Our co-working is open to permanent hot deskers who have been allocated a single desk either in a private office potentially alongside another permenant hot desk member with the  appropriate distancing and procedures in place or on the open bench desking. 

Our co-working packages for 30 and 60 hrs will not be reinstated at this time but we will open  from Monday to Friday and members will be able to purchase day passes for a specific desk on  a specific date. 

We appreciate that this does not provide the same flexibility for our members as the 30 and  60 hr packages however with the current guidelines we believe that at this time it is the safest  way in which to provide the service and meet the health and safety guidelines and keep  everyone as safe as possible. 

We have reduced the number of desks that will be available for hot desking to ensure social  distancing is adhered to and a specific desk will be allocated to each member for that day. On  arrival we will take your temperature at the front door, your will sanitise your hands at the  station next to the front door and you will be shown to your allocated desk. 

In line with the governments track and trace programme we will hold all member records of  attendance so should contact details be required we will provide them. If you do not agree to  this being done with your personal details we ask you to refrain from coming into Freshmill  until the track and trace programme is no longer required.


Movement around the building 

One of the objective’s of current government policy is to “maintain social distancing of at least  two metres where ever possible”. Reminder signage has been placed around the building and  we will continue to hold open the entry way doors to the toilet areas on the 1st and 2nd floors  to aid visibility. To help facilitate “social distancing” at Delta House tenants must: 

  • Use the main staircase to move up between floors in the building and the rear  staircase to move down between floors and exit the building. 
  • On the 1st and 2nd floor of the building we ask that you move around the building  corridors in an anti-clockwise direction, floor mounted ‘arrows’ indicate the direction of  travel.  


Reception area 

Until further notice the reception desk will not be permenantly manned as we ensure cleaning  and management of visitors to the building as well as our normal operating matters, should  you use the reception sofa you must spray it down with the provided anti bacterial/viral spray  before and after use.  

Common Areas, Kitchens and Meeting spaces 

  • The “One 2 One” meeting pods must not be used. Due to the nature of these spaces  we are unable to open them at this time. 

The copper pods and Friday Pod will be available but we ask that these are continued to be  used as a breakout space for a maximum of 2 hrs. There will be a bottle of anti bacterial/viral 

spray at each copper pod or at the Friday pod this must be used to spray down the area  before and after use. They may be used by 1 person with no face covering or 2 people sitting  diagonally with a face covering. 

The kitchens will be open and the coffee machines available. One person at a time may use the  kitchen. Hand sanitizer must be used before entering the kitchen, there is a dispenser by each  kitchen. Wipes are available in each kitchen and must be used to clean down any areas  touched whilst in the kitchen and put in the bin before leaving. 

We will continuously monitor the use of these areas and should the instructions above not be  followed we reserve the right to remove access to them. 

Your Visitors & Deliveries 

We ask that any visitors are booked in on the system before arriving and we temperature  check them before they enter the building. Any visitors must be appraised of the procedures  and policies in place to keep everyone in the building as safe as we can. Please do not bring  your visitors into the building until their temperature has been taken. 

In line with this please do not grant access to anyone waiting for a member of Freshmill to  attend to them other than to other private office members or permanent hot desking  members. 

For day pass holders no deliveries made via courier can be arranged to the building.  

From 1st September 2020 the Royal Mail recommended their daily deliveries to the building.  They are met at the door and the post collected by a member of the Freshmill team. Fixed  office members deliveries will be met at the door and no delivery personal are to enter the  building.


Hygiene and Cleaning 

In addition to the daily cleaning of the common areas and toilets at the end of each day, extra  cleaning of surfaces within these areas will be carried out during the working day. 

  • Around the building we have installed ‘Hand Sanitizer’ stations. On entry to the  building there is a ‘hand sanitizer’ station at the bottom of the main staircase, on entry  to the building all tenants must sanitise their hands straight away.  
  • Before entering the toilet areas all tenants must clean their hands at the sanitizer  station provided. 
  • Tissues and wipes will be available at various locations through out the common areas. When moving through the common areas of the building you may consider wearing a  face covering or mask.  
  • Gloves are not to be worn whilst in any common area or the toilets of Delta House. Private office areas 

It is the responsibility of tenants to maintain social distancing and enhanced cleaning  measures within their own private office areas.  


If you feel unwell? 

For everyone, should you or a member of our household experience any of the symptoms  recognised under government advice for Covid 19 we ask that you do not attend Delta House  for the duration of the prescribed self isolation period. 


In the case of a suspected Covid-19 case. 

Should anyone feel unwell while working in your office space at Delta House, exhibiting  symptons of the virus, we ask that leave the office space immediately and carry out a  thorough clean of the tenants private office area in line with government cleaning guidelines.  The license holder should contact us immediately (at anytime) by phone preferably Zoe Daines 07770 588896 or Chris Daines 0777 377 3848 

Day pass holders must contact Freshmill as soon as possible should you feel unwell and  contact PHE and follow their advice. Freshmill will also contact PHE and follow the directives  given. 


In the case of a confirmed Covid-19 case: 

In the event that you are aware of a confirmed case where a person has been tested positive  at a testing centre or medical facility, please contact us immediately (at anytime) by phone  preferably Zoe Daines – 07770 588896 or Chris Daines 07773 773848. 

The following procedure will be instituted: 

  1. All designated contacts will be immediately contacted by e-mail or phone. 2. We will immediately contact Public Health England and follow any advice given by  them.  
  2. The common parts of the building will be deep cleaned as quickly as possible and we  will make arrangements with the licensee concerned to discuss arrangements for deep  cleaning of their office if necessary. 
  3. Following deep cleaning of the common areas, members will be notified and the  building will be available to access.
  4. We will liaise with Public Health England and any affected members to ensure  isolation of any contacts of the concerned contacts as appropriate  


Designated Coronavirus coordinators: 

Our designated coordinator is myself who can be contacted at anytime on 07770 588896 or

We would ask that all member’s provide us with the name and mobile number of at least 1  member of staff who can be contacted out of office hours in the event that information needs  to be passed along in an emergency. 

Unless there is an emergency we will communicate any future updates by email. 

As you will appreciate, the current situation is constantly evolving and our contingency  planning may need to change at short notice. If you have any queries at all then please do not  hesitate to contact me. 


Kind regards 

Zoe Daines – Director 

Freshmill Haywards Heath

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One-day access to Freshmill



per day