Freshmill Friday time and this week we have… Kate!
Meet Kate:
‘’Hi everyone, I’m Kate and I work for a financial training company called Wallace Cititraining and we provide US regulatory exam materials and instructors to traders and bankers around the world. Although I’m currently furloughed, I am working for a charity called Ensemble Reza which is a local sextet/group of musicians who aim to promote and encourage music to as wide an audience as possible through education, community orchestras and performances. I help them with admin on a part time basis and help organise and attend events. I’m also writing a book so stay tuned for more 😊
I have worked from home for 17 years and was looking for a local professional space in which to work so I could have some separation between work and home. My sister company Wallacespace Ltd provides similar space in London, but currently not hot-desking. I found out about Freshmill when I picked up one of the promotional leaflets at Lindfield Coffee Works and decided to try out the space for the day.”
Kate at Freshmill:
”Freshmill is perfect for me! Although I predominantly still work from home, I love being able to come in once a week to have that place where I can focus and not get distracted by everything else that needs doing at home. When I’m here I get everything done that I need to do. The flexibility of the day pass is great, and it is such value for money. Having somewhere so local to me is also a real bonus as I don’t have to commute to get the work done.”
Future Plans:
”Hopefully, it won’t be too long before I can go back to my original role and use the space more. I aim to continue with both roles so I will certainly need to spend more time at Freshmill and would look to become a member with their hourly membership packages!”
Book a Day Pass:
”I regularly recommend Freshmill to friends and colleagues for anyone looking to break up the monotony of working from home and get some work/life balance back into their lives.’’ Thanks Kate! 😊
Why not try Freshmill yourself? Book a day pass online at Spaces are limited!